

Classified advertising is a form of marketing that can immediately let you know if yours is working. One of the fastest ways to run a classified ad is via your local newspaper. You can use it to test a new headline that you want to put on a sales letter. If your "headline ad" gets response, then you know that it's a clear choice for the headline that you want to use.

In the past, all I used to do was run classified ads. I used to get a trickle of response from here and a trickle of response from over there, but I realized that if I wanted to have the most success with classified ads, I would have to run 100's of them just to see the results that I was looking for.

But I have let classified advertising for a far more profitable source of getting customers - but I can still give you classified advertising advice that can make you profitable. Are you ready for those tips? Then great! Here's the first piece of advice that I can give to you.

1) Run them everywhere

Like I said to make classified advertising work, you have to have 100's of them to run. And as a small business owner, I doubt if you have time and money to run 100's of classified ads. So my suggestion is to test in a few small markets first, and if you make money with those campaigns, use the earnings to run more. Here's another tip for making classified advertising work.

2) Lead with a free offer

By offering something for free in your classified ad, you make it easy for people to say "yes" to you. After they've received their free offer, follow up on these leads for maximum exposure.

At this stage they have no idea what they will receive next, so it makes sense for these people.

In your free offer, explain the cause of their issue, and how your product can help them to solve it. You want to make everything within your sales package and turn it into a magnet that will help you too get more new sales.

These 2 tips are for classified success. Make sure that you "bold" your headline so that people can get a chance to clearly see your ad. Describe your free report in as little words as possible so that people can easily take advantage of it when they see your ad. This is the fastest way to business success.

Classified advertising is good for a number of reasons, but the most important reason is to have success in you business. If you're motivation for classified ads isn't to make money, then what is it for? I've heard of a guy who make 1 million dollars doing nothing except classified advertising, so the possibility of using classified ads isn't the question. It's the answer.

Find your self some good classified advertising out there, and put it into use today in your business. Trust me, it will be more than worth it.

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